Rules and Policies
Shotgun shooting at the Oregon Sportsman’s Club is strictly regulated by a conditional use permit jointly issued by the Dane County Zoning and Land Regulation Committee and the Town of Dunn. A list of shotgun shooting dates must be made available to the Town of Dunn and its residents after March 1 of the event calendar year. Shooting during unauthorized times will jeopardize our relationship with our neighbors and endanger the club’s existence. As a result, shooting hours are restricted to the following:
- Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings from 6 PM to 9:30 PM
- Trap and skeet shooting on two designated Saturdays per month from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
- A maximum of four single-day shooting events per year
Failure to adhere to the posted hours could result in the loss of shotgun shooting privileges. Shooting at any time other than posted hours is strictly prohibited. Shooting on a federal holiday is prohibited. Hunter Safety courses are not restricted.
The Oregon Sportsman’s Club exists for the benefit and pleasure of its members. Members are expected to treat facilities and equipment with respect, and care for them as one would care for his or her own property.
The club is licensed for trapshooting, skeet shooting, and archery functions only. All other activities, such as paint-ball wars, are unauthorized. Shooting with rifles and pistols is prohibited.
Keys are issued, without deposit, to all officers and board members. Keys may also be issued to persons running trap or archery leagues, without deposit. Any person hosting a special event may be issued a key on a short-term basis during the event, without a deposit. All other members are eligible to receive a key after one year of membership. A $40 deposit will apply. The president and vice-president issue keys, collect deposits, and maintain records and controls relating to the keys.
Building keys and gate combinations are to be used by active, paid club members only. Combination locks are used on the archery building and gate, and all members have access to the combination. The clubhouse back door, archery building back door, and the door between buildings are self-locking and can only be opened from the inside. The last person to leave the club is responsible for properly securing the premises. Duties include but are not limited to: closing windows, adjusting thermostats, extinguishing lights, tidying common areas, and securing doors, outbuildings, and gates.
Members are expected to clean up after themselves. Deposit trash and recyclables in the appropriate bins. Personal use of the garbage dumpster is not permitted. Special event equipment must be properly stored and secured after each use.
The clubhouse and archery buildings are heated to 50 degrees to prevent freezing conditions in winter. Thermostats may be adjusted to accommodate indoor activities as needed. After a two-hour period, they will automatically reset to 50 degrees. Air conditioning is available in the summer.
The furniture in the main clubhouse is not to be rearranged or removed from the building at any time. If furniture is required for an event, additional tables and chairs located in the storage shed may be used. Furniture is loaned on a short-term basis and requires prior approval of a club officer.
Facility Rentals
Subject to the approval of the board, club facilities may be offered for use by other groups. Tables and chairs may be lent to members or organizations at this time. Reserve the Club
Food and Beverage
Except for occasions when a bartender is on staff, all food and beverage items are sold on the honor system. Members are expected to pay for all items. No freebies are permitted during work hours, club projects and activities, or at any time. In order to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages, members must be 21 years of age. The club is not permitted to sell alcoholic beverages to nonmembers, except at special events, during which time a short-term beverage license is in effect.
For the purposes of activities and events, youth are defined as persons under the age of 18. No youth may be allowed the use of club grounds or facilities without a parent or guardian present. Young children must be supervised at all times as the trap and archery ranges are considered dangerous areas.
Safety Courses
Hunter safety, ATV driver safety, and snowmobile safety training courses are hosted at and co-sponsored by the club. See the event calendar for more information on sessions.
Only shotguns and bow and arrows are allowed. Pistols and rifles are not permitted on the premises.
Association Memberships
NRA, Wisconsin Bowhunters Association, and other association memberships are encouraged. These groups help protect your interests and may provide additional protection against liability.
The Oregon Sportsman’s Club is an equal opportunity organization. We strive to treat all persons with respect and dignity regardless of gender, race, color, national origin, religion, age, and disability. Profanity and inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
During workdays, members perform necessary maintenance and repairs. Attendance is expected and counts toward work credits. Workdays are held in the spring and on an as-needed basis.
Members are kept informed of club activities through a public calendar of events. The calendar is posted onsite in the clubhouse as well as on our website. All special events, such as tournaments, shoots, and classes, are subject to board approval and must be listed on the calendar. Visit Calendar
Landscaping, lawn maintenance, janitorial services, and snow removal are performed by hired contracts. Members are encouraged to help with maintenance tasks wherever possible. Cutting of trees and vegetation is not permitted.