Youth Archery League
For young archers looking to elevate their technique to a higher level, youth archery league is the place to be. During the winter months, the Oregon Sportsman’s Club will be offering a dedicated archery league for the club’s younger shooters. Participants hone their skills in an expert environment while challenging their peers and personal best. Join boys and girls aged 12 to 18 for what promises to be eventful evenings filled with fun and friendly competition.
League begins in January and will run for a minimum of six weeks. There is an eight-night-shooting maximum for youth archery league. Two form a team and participants must bring their own equipment. For more information or questions, contact the archery league director.
2024 Youth Archery League
- Begins January 8, 2024 – Ends February 19 with awards that night
- Monday evenings
- 6-night minimum / 8-night maximum shooting – February 12 is the last night of scoring
- 2-person teams
- Limited to 24 shooters (12 2-person teams)
- 20-yard shooting
- Ages 12 to 18
- Must bring equipment
- Rates $55 per participant
- Club membership required
- Pizza will be served ** Kids are welcome to bring chips, sweets, drinks, etc. to share **